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​Elliana Blevins is an illustrative artist from Northern Virginia. Her work is composed of black-and-white fantasy illustrations. Elliana's illustrations are designed to function as modern-day spellwork in an art form. She uses symbols, icons, and imagery to manifest the reality she wants to will into existence. Each flower and token is bound with meaning, like magic written on an ancient scroll. The start black and white colors simplify the spell, bringing it into its purest form. “I choose everything based on what I want a specific piece to do for me. Whether I wish to know myself better, solidify love, or protect myself, my work allows me to bring those things into my reality”





-2022 Associates of Psychology. Liberty University Online

-2022-2023 Deans List

-2022-2023 Academic Waiver Art and Theater Department 

-2022-2023 Art and Theater Scholarship

- 2022-2023 Director's Scholarship 

-2022-2025 Scholars Society



-2023 Studio Practicum/Studio Monitoring (2023-Present)

-2023 President Visual Arts Collective (2023-Present)

Position: President

-2023 Public Art Project

Tabler Farms Mural, Shepherd University, WV

Position: Designer, Painter

-2023 Shepherds Town Art Market

Evolve Gallery Space, Shepherdstown WV 

-2024 Theater Design, The Masque of the Beauty and the Beast

Lead Designer for a Roving Peregrine Theater Company production at the Black

 Box Arts Center, Shepherdstown, WV

-2024 Public Art Project

Rocs Store Mural, Shepherdstown, WV

Position: Lead Designer, Painter



-2022 Exploring Narrative and Color, VAC Exhibition 

Scarborough Library, Shepherdstown, WV

-2022 The Art of Cake Gallery 

Sugar Swept Bakery, Shepherdstown, WV 

-2023 Student Honors Exhibition

Shepherd University, Shepherdstown, WV

Juried by Kylie Ford

-2023 Flesh, VAC Exhibition 

Shepherd University, Shepherdstown, WV

-2023 A Day in the Garden, VAC Exhibition 

The Tea Cart, Winchester, VA

-2023 VAC Talent Showcase, VAC Exhibition 

Scarborough Library, Shepherdstown, WV

-2023 Student Honors Exhibition

Shepherd University, Shepherdstown, WV

Juried by Julia Navarro 



-Sans Merci Art & Literary Magazine, Volume 47

-Sans Merci Art & Literary Magazine, Volume 48

-Sans Merci Art & Literary Magazine, Volume 49

-The Lantern Zein, Volume 3

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